BBC Basic Program Examples

BBC Basic Program Examples

Hex dump

The Hex dump program below was originally published to the EPROM User group. It is of note as it provides a worked example of the in-line assembler abilities of the BBC Basic application.


10 REM ********************************** 20 REM Hexdump (C) Danny Langton * 30 REM Aware Technology, DECEMBER 1988 * 40 REM TO BE TREATED AS PUBLIC DOMAIN * 50 REM I.E. COPY AND USE BUT DON'T SELL * 60 REM ********************************** 70 PROCassemble 80 REPEAT 90 CLS:REPEATINPUT''"Name of file to dump : "'"(Use [ESCAPE] to quit)"SPC10""D$:UNTILLEND$ 100 X=OPENIN D$:IFX=0PRINT'"That file does not exist":GOTO90 110 PRINT"Use UP and DOWN cursor keys to move through file"'"a line at a time,"'"[SHIFT] and cursor keys for a page at a time"'"and [DEL] to quit":TIME=0:REPEATUNTILTIME>300 120 L%=0 130 CLS 140 REPEAT 150 PROCdump(L%) 160 CALL flush 170 G%=GET:IFG%=0 G%=GET 180 L%=L%+(G%=255)*16+(G%=251)*112-(G%=254)*16-(G%=250)*112 190 IF G%=246 L%=EXT#X-96-(EXT#X)MOD16 200 IF L%<0 OR L%>EXT#X OR G%=247L%=0 210 UNTILG%=127 220 UNTIL0 230 : 240 DEFPROCdump(L%) 250 CLS 260 PTR#X=L% 270 IFEXT#X-L%<112 F%=EXT#X-L% ELSE F%=112 280 R%=0:C%=0 290 PRINTTAB(0,0)STRING$(8-LENSTR$~L%,"0")STR$~L% 300 FOR M%=L% TO L%+F%-1 310 IFR%=7GOTO360 320 N%=BGET#X:N$=STR$~N%:IF LEN N$=1 N$="0"+N$ 330 PRINTTAB(12+C%*3,R%)N$TAB(64+C%,R%); 340 IFN%>31 AND N%<127 PRINTCHR$N%; ELSE PRINT"."; 350 C%=C%+1:IFC%=16 C%=0:R%=R%+1:IFR%<7PRINTTAB(0,R%)STRING$(8-LENSTR$~(L%+R%*16),"0")+STR$~(L%+R%*16) 360 NEXT 370 ENDPROC 380 : 390 DEFPROCassemble 400 DIMflush 50 410 FORpass=0TO2STEP2 420 P%=flush 430 [OPT pass 440 LD HL,0:ADD HL,SP:LD SP,(&1FFE):PUSH HL:CALL main:POP HL:LD SP,HL:RET 450 .main 460 RST &20 470 DEFB &33 480 RET 490 ] 500 NEXT 510 ENDPROC 520 :

Music Program for the Z88

Written by J. Mark Stevenson in 1989 - note the warnings in the REM statements.


10 REM J.MARK STEVENSON 12 FEB 89 20 REM JUST TO PROVE THE Z88 CAN MAKE MUSIC! 30 REM YOU ARE INVITED TO EXPERIMENT WITH THIS PROGRAM 40 REM BUT BEWARE - THIS MAY CAUSE THE MACHINE TO HANG 50 DIM Z% 200 60 FOR Y% = 0 TO 2 STEP 2 70 P%=Z% 80 [ OPT Y% 90 .cnt DEFW 0 :DEFW 0 100 .del1 DEFW 0 :DEFW 0 110 .del2 DEFW 0 :DEFW 0 120 .flag DEFW 0 130 .code 140 LD HL,(cnt) 150 .cnt_loop 160 LD A,(flag) :OR A :CALL Z,inc :DEC A :CALL Z,dec 170 LD BC,(del1) :CALL del_loop 180 LD A,(&4B0) :PUSH AF :OR &40 :OUT (&B0),A 190 LD BC,(del2) :CALL del_loop 200 POP AF :OUT (&B0),A 210 DEC HL :LD A,H :OR L :JR NZ,cnt_loop 220 RET 230 \ 240 .del_loop DEC BC :LD A,B :OR C :JR NZ,del_loop :RET 250 \ 260 .inc 270 LD DE,(del1) :INC DE :INC DE :LD (del1),DE 280 LD DE,(del2) :INC DE :INC DE :LD (del2),DE 290 RET 300 \ 310 .dec 320 LD DE,(del1) :DEC DE :DEC DE :LD (del1),DE 330 LD DE,(del2) :DEC DE :DEC DE :LD (del2),DE 340 RET 350 ] 360 NEXT 370 : 380 FOR T%=0 TO 2 390 ?flag=T% 400 FOR R%= 90 TO 41 STEP -3 410 !cnt=3000/R% :!del1=R%*4 :!del2=R%*4 420 Q%=USR(code) 430 NEXT 440 NEXT

Z88 Easter Eggs / ROM 2

There is a hidden message immediately before the internal ROM application front DOR in bank 7 at offset 3F57. Enter the command: .MV 3F57 07 in Gunther Strube's Intuition on the Assembler Workbench ROM.

Or use Thierry Peycru's Zmonitor on the Z88 Forever Compilation ROM. Or use ROMDMPx.BAS or similar program.

Or enter and run this BASIC / machine code program at your own risk. One small mistake in typing it in could corrupts memory in your Z88 and cause a FAIL or HARD RESET immediately or months later loosing all your files.

10 DIM code 29 20 DIM buff 104 30 P%=code 40 [ 50 OPT 2 60 LD A,(&4D3) 70 PUSH AF 80 LD A,7 90 LD (&4D3),A 100 OUT (&D3),A 110 LD HL,&FF57 120 LD DE,buff 130 LD BC,104 140 LDIR 150 POP AF 160 LD (&4D3),A 170 OUT (&D3),A 180 RET 190 ] 200 CALL code 210 PRINT $buff


The popular dice game.

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