The Flash Eproms

The Flash Eproms

The Flash Eprom cards are a new device for Z88 storage. Its main feature is an integrated electrical erasure. The prototype card used the Intel 28F008SA and the production cards used initially the Intel 28F008S5 (which is fastest). When Intel stopped manufacturing these, AMD (now Spansion)  manufactured a similar chip, same size and format. The Vpp pin became redundant (NC not connected). Unlike the Intel chip, this was a 5v only device which meant that they could be written to in any of the Z88's 3 slots. Both the Intel and AMD chips had 44 pins in a PSOP (or SO) format (0.5 mm between each pin). Spansion stopped manufacturing this package and changed it to a 40pin Standard TSOP. Both packages are shown below. They are wired to the slot connector like the standard EPROM.

    +--------------+             +-------------------------------+
VPP |1    +--+   44| VCC A19 |1 +--+ 40| -
RP# |2           43| CE# A18 |2 39| -
A11 |3           42| A12 A17 |3 38| WE#
A10 |4           41| A13 A16 |4 37| OE#
A9  |5           40| A14 A15 |5 36| -
A8  |6           39| A15 A14 |6 35| D7
A7  |7           38| A16 A13 |7 34| D6
A6  |8           37| A17 A12 |8 33| D5
A5  |9           36| A18 CE# |9 32| D4
A4  |10          35| A19 VCC |10 31| VCC
-   |11   Intel  34| - - |11 Spansion / AMD 30| GND
-   |12  28F008  33| - RP# |12 Am29F080B 29| GND
A3  |13   SA/S5  32| - A11 |13 40-pin TSOP 28| D3
A2  |14          31| - A10 |14 27| D2
A1  |15          30| WE# A9 |15 26| D1
A0  |16          29| OE# A8 |16 25| D0
D0  |17          28| - A7 |17 24| A0
D1  |18          27| D7 A6 |18 23| A1
D2  |19          26| D6 A5 |19 22| A2
D3  |20          25| D5 A4 |20 21| A3
GND |21          24| D4 +-------------------------------+
GND |22          23| VCC

The table below describes the connections between the edge connector and the chip.

Slot signal     Flash Signal Flash Signal (TSOP)
1 MA16  A16     38 4
2 MA15  A15     39 5
3 MA12  A12     42 8
4 MA7   A7      7 17
5 MA6   A6      8 18
6 MA5   A5      9 19
7 MA4   A4      10 20
8 MA3   A3      13 21
9 MA2   A2      14 22
10 MA1  A1      15 23
11 MA0  A0      16 24
12 MDA  D0      17 25
13 MDB  D1      18 26
14 MDC  D2      19 27
15 SNS
16 GND  GND     21 29
17 GND  GND     22 30
18 MA14 A14     40 6
19 VPP  VPP     1
20 VCC  VCC     44,23 31,10
21 VCC  -
22 PGM  WE#     30 38
23 MA13 A13     41 7
24 MA8  A8      6 16
25 MA9  A9      5 15
26 MA11 A11     3 13
27 POE  -
28 EOE  OE#     29 37
29 MA10 A10     4 14
30 SE3  CE#     43 9
31 MDH  D7      27 35
32 MDG  D6      26 34
33 MDD  D3      20 28
34 MDE  D4      24 32
35 MDF  D5      25 33
36 MA17 A17     37 3
37 MA18 A18     36 2
38 MA19 A19     35 1

Other pins:

RP# connected to VCC Pin 2 : Pin 12

Pin 1 : Vpp
Pin 23: Vcc
Pin 44: Vcc
Must be connected to a 100nF ceramic capacitor.

NB: all the VCC and GND pins have to be connected.

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