6 - Getting Z88 Set Up

6 - Getting Z88 Set Up


This section was written for users of the standard Z88. Follow these instructions right through, starting at the right point and finishing at the end. If the latest OZ is being used please jump to the Z88 User Guide.

Setting up the Z88

New Z88

  1. Insert RAM pack in Slot 1 If you have more than one RAM pack put the largest size in Slot 1. DO NOT use Slot 3 for RAM packs unless Slots 1 and 2 have RAM packs as well.

  2. Insert any ROM packs in Slot 2.

  3. Make sure that there are NO EPROMS or ROMs in Slot 3 (See Cannot Satisfy Request) before you -

  4. Insert the batteries. Make sure they are the right way round.

Existing Z88

  1. If you have an EPROM with a BOOT.CLI file on it to hold your personal settings, put this EPROM in now.
  2. Do a Hard Reset by opening the card flap and pressing the RESET button twice. The RESET button is on the left-hand edge of the Z88, near the power socket. It is set into the case so you will need to press it with something small and blunt. An unbent paper clip is ideal. After you have pressed the button and closed the flap HARD RESET will appear in the top left corner of the display.
  3. Adjust the contrast with the knob on the left-hand edge until the screen is at the desired setting.
  4. Check that all your RAM has been recognized by selecting the INDEX and then CARD. If the RAM size does not match what you have e.g. 1024K for the 1M RAM pack, do another HARD RESET until it does.

Boot CLI

You should now follow the steps in the BOOT.CLI Example. These are repeated here in broad steps.

  1. Set the Default Device in the Panel  to :RAM.1.
  2. Change the Device SV in the Filer.
  3. Create all your Directories SI (if you are using them)
  4. If you are using a different Printer Driver, you should load it here. See Bug - Printer Driver.
  5. Set the Time and Date T.

If you used a BOOT.CLI file

  1. Go into the Filer F.
  2. Change Device  SV, then change the device to :RAM.-.
  3. Delete ALL FILES in :RAM.-. See Bugs - :RAM.-.


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