Building a modern Z88

Building a modern Z88


Is this possible? Is this worth it? What's the point?

Is it possible?

What are the requirements for this project?

Z80 Emulator

There are a number of articles on the net. Two of them are pointing to using the PIC32.


This describes the spectrum and also points to a development board that uses the PIC32MX460F512L microcontroller which is now obsolete, however there is a new board available.


This board has the following that can be used for the Z88

  • power supply source voltage can vary from 9 to 32V DC and from 7 to 23V AC.

  • Reset button

  • External power supply source connected to an AC/DC connector provided on the board; or +5V PC power supply over the USB cable - to connect the battery.
  • PIC32MX795F512L microcontroller consisting of:-
    • 1.56 DMIPS/MHz, 32-bit MIPS M4K Core 
    • 512K Flash (plus 12K boot Flash); 
    • 128K RAM (can execute from RAM); 
    • 85 I/O pins; 
    • SPI, I2C, A/D; 
    • 16-bit Digital Timers; 
    • Internal Oscillator 8MHz, 32.768kHz Crystal oscillator; 
    • RTCC; etc. 
  • TFT 320X240 display with a palette of 262.000 colours. It is used to display graphic content. - the display
  • 8 Mbit Flash Memory
  • 1K Serial EEPROM Module
  • microSD card slot (2GB for files)

  • USB Connector (Printer)
  • micro USB Connectors (Keyboard)

  • Audio Output - Speaker
  • RS-232 module - Serial Port

  • LAN network via a standard RJ45 ethernet connector - Additional computer connection

Not needed additional functions 

  •  ZigBee Module
  • Joystick
  • TFT 320x240 display covered with a resistive touch panel.
  • ICD Programmer
  • Accelerometer 
  • Temperature Sensor
  • 4 x LEDs
  • Microphone Input
multimedia for PIC32MX7 $149.00 USD 

TFT Developer kit 3 - PIC32 Lion

 $469.00 USD 


640 X 64 monochrome LCD screen

 Cheap, pixel-oriented and visible in daylight. SPI-interface-based. 
BeagleBone Black- too much power to run. 

5.7" iLCD Panel with Touch Screen 640x480 Pixel



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