Screen registers
Screen registers
The addresses of the screen files are held in BLINK registers PB0 to PB3 and SBR. These registers tell the blink where are the screen files in physical memory. Thus the blink can generate the data stream sent to the LCD. These registers are write-only and are more than 8 bits wide. Their softcopies are stored at ($046x) for the most significant bits and ($047x) for the 8 right bits. They are set by OS_Sci call which is using OUT (C),A instructions. B always contains the left bits of data (more than 8), A the data, C the port. So, A is ($047x) and B is ($046x). Please, refer to the Screen Files chapter for more about their structure.Their width determine the file granularity in a bank. For example, the LORES1 can be stored at 0, 4, 8 or 12K.  The role of these registers is as follows:
Register Name Role Length Granularity Width Softcopies ($046x) ($047x)
PB0 ($70) SC_LR0 LORES0 512 bytes 512 bytes 13 bits 5 bits right 8 bits right
PB1 ($71) SC_LR1 LORES1 3.5K bytes 4K bytes 10 bits 2 bits right 8 bits right
PB2 ($72) SC_HR0 HIRES0 6K bytes 8K bytes 9 bits 1 bit right 8 bits right
PB3 ($73) SC_HR1 HIRES1 2K bytes 2K bytes 11 bits 3 bits right 8 bits right
SBR ($74) SC_SBR SBF 2K bytes 2K bytes 11 bits 3 bits right 8 bits right
How to generate address from blink screen register softcopies (iner of the OS_SCI call)
h : bit from $046x
l : bit from $047x
Insert 00 bits here
PB0 : 13 bits : hhhh hlll 00ll lll0
PB1 : 10 bits : hhll llll 00ll 0000
PB2 : 9 bits : hlll llll 00l0 0000
PB3 : 11 bits : hhhl llll 00ll l000
SBR : 11 bits : hhhl llll 00ll l000
Example, on an Expanded machine :
Register : ($046x) ($047x) -> Offset
PB0 $04 $31 -> $212200
PB1 $00 $1C -> $070000
PB2 $00 $43 -> $212000
PB3 $00 $39 -> $070400
SBR $01 $0F -> $213800