Memory Management information

Memory Management information

The following codes return information about free RAM space and memory type organisation:


NQ_Mfs ($8900), Read free space information (system use only)
IN:  BC = NQ_Mfs
     IX = memory handle

OUT: Fc = 0, success
             ABC = free space info (A = MSB, C = LSB)
             DE = 0
     Fc = 1, A = RC_Handle

Registers changed after return:
     ......../IXIY same
     AFBCDEHL/.... different


NQ_Slt ($8903), Read slot type information (system use only)
     BC = NQ_Slt  
     D = slot
     E = bank

OUT: A = configuration (bank usage definition):          
          BU_NOT = 0     bank is empty
          BU_EPR = 1     bank is EPROM
          BU_ROM = 2     bank is ROM
          BU_WRK = 4     work memory
          BU_FIX = 8     fixed memory
          BU_RES = 16    reserved memory
          BU_APL = 32    bank is application RAM
          BU_FRE = 128   bank is available RAM

Registers changed after return: 
     ..BCDEHL/IXIY same
     AF....../.... different


NQ_Mfp ($8906), Get total of free pages
 A = slot number (0 for internal)
 BC = NQ_Mfp

 Fc = 0, it is a RAM device
 A = total number of banks in Ram Card ($40 for 1MB)
 DE = free pages (1 page = 256 bytes)

 Fc = 1, it is not a RAM device
 A = RC_ONF (Object not found)

Registers changed after return:
 ..BC..HL/IXIY same
 AF..DE../... different


API call implemented in OZ 4.2. Calling OS_Nq with BC = NQ_Mfp will return Fc = 1, A = RC_Unk in previous OZ releases.


NQ_Mup ($8909), Get memory used in pool
 IX = memory pool handle

 Fc = 0, 
 DE = number of pages used (1 page = 256 bytes)

 Fc = 1, 
 A = RC_HND (bad handle)

Registers changed after return:
 A.BC..HL/IXIY same
 .F..DE../... different


API call implemented in OZ 5.0.


NQ_Mnt ($890C), fetch mount status
 A = slot number

 Fc = 0, file area mounted in slot

 Fc = 1, 
 A = RC_ONF (object not found), no file area mounted in slot

Registers changed after return:
 .F....../... different


API call implemented in OZ 5.0.

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