OS_Esc, Examine special condition
OS_Esc, Examine special condition
Register parameters
IN: A = reason code Reason codes are as follows: SC_BIT ($00) Test for Escape. Returns Fc = 1 if escape has been pressed, else Fc = 0. SC_ACK ($01) Acknowledge escape and also flush input buffer. Fz = 1 if there was no escape to acknowledge, else Fz = 0. Note that RC_ESC = SC_ACK so you can acknowledge escape with this call without reloading the accumulator. This also resets the machine timeout. SC_SET ($02) Set escape, ie. simulate an escape condition SC_RES ($03) Reset escape without flushing the input buffer. SC_TST ($04) Test if escape detection is enabled or disabled. Fc = 0 always, and A = SC_ENA if it is enabled, A = SC_DIS if it is disabled. SC_ENA ($05) Enable escape detection SC_DIS ($06) Disable escape detection. OUT: if A(in) = SC_BIT then Fc = 0, no escape Fc = 1, escape detected if A(in) = SC_ACK then Fc = 0, Fz = 1, no escape Fz = 0, escape acknowledged, machine timeout reset if A(in) = SC_TST then Fc = 0 A = SC_ENA, escape detection enabled A = SC_DIS, escape detection disabled other A(in) values Fc = 0 Registers changed after return: ..BCDEHL/IXIY same AF....../.... different
On entry to an application, Escape detection is always disabled. Application may have to enable it if API with timeout requires escape detection (like OS_Tin, OS_Dly or OS_Si).
Related system calls
GN_Err, display an interactive error box
GN_Esp, return an extended pointer to a system error message
OS_Erc, get error context
OS_Erh, set error handler
, multiple selections available,
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