OS_Si, Low level serial interface

OS_Si, Low level serial interface

Register parameters

     L = reason code
     Other register parameters depend on reason code
     Depends on reason code, see below.
     IX will always be unchanged. 


Full details of this call's reason codes are found below. This interface is used by OZ internally. For Application level serial port I/O, use GN_Opf to get serial port handle and use OS_Gb / OS_Pb to transmit data. Applications might use OS_Si to reset serial port buffers, and interact with the Panel. Block transfer is implemented since OZ version 4.5.

Other information of this call can be found in the The Serial Interface section.


SI_HRD (L = $00), Serial hard reset
IN:  -
OUT: Fc = 0

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/IXIY same
     AF....../.... different

This resets the UART in the gate array. This call should not need to be used.


SI_SFT (L = $03), serial soft rest
IN:  -
OUT: -

Registers changed after return:
     ......../IXIY same
     AFBCDEHL/.... different

This call should be useful to install new panel settings or when starting low level (ie. using SI_GBT, SI_PBT etc.) serial operations. It carries out the following: 

1. Empty receive and transmit buffers.
2. Reset the XON/XOFF flags.
3. Reset baud rates, parity and flow control settings to the PANEL values.
4. Assert RTS.
5. Resets the serial port timeout to its default of 10 minutes. 


SI_INT (L = $06), interrupt entry point
IN:  -
OUT: -

Registers changed after return:
     ......../.... different

Internal operating system usage only.
This call is used by the serial port driver to send XOFF when software handshaking is active. 


SI_GBT (L = $09), get byte from serial port
IN:  BC = timeout in centiseconds

Out if call succeeded:
     Fc = 0
     A = byte received
     BC = remaining time
Out if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     A = RC_TIME ($02) (if no data available before timeout)

Registers changed after return:
     ....DE../IXIY same
     AFBC..HL/.... different


SI_PBT (L = $0C), put byte to serial port
IN:  BC = timeout in centiseconds. If BC = $FFFF then default timeout.
     A = byte to send

Out if call succeeded:
     Fc = 0
     BC = remaining time
Out if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     A = RC_TIME ($02)

Registers changed after return:
     ....DE../IXIY same
     AFBC..HL/.... different

This call will return immediatly if there is space in the transmit buffer, otherwise it will wait until there is space for as long as the timeout. If the timeout is exceeded it will return with an error.


SI_ENQ (L = $0F), Status enquiry
IN:  -
     B = number of full slots in the Tx (transmit) buffer
     C = number of empty slots in the Tx (transmit) buffer
     D = number of full slots in the Rx (receive) buffer
     E = number of empty slots in the Rx (receive) buffer

     A0 = 1, CTS level (inverse of the value on the D-connector)
     A1 = 1, DCD level (inverse of the value on the D-connector)
     A2 = 1, Rx register full
     A3 =    undefined
     A4 = 1, Tx Register empty
     A5 = 1, CTS interrupt
     A6 = 1, DCD interrupt
     A7 = 1, Rx shift register full

Registers changed after return:
     ......../IXIY same
     AFBCDEHL/.... different

A slot, in this context, is the set of bits required to transmit on character. This will include 8 data bits plus start and stop bits.


SI_FTX (L = $12), Flush transmit buffer
IN:  -
OUT: Fc = 0

Registers changed after return:
     A.BCDEHL/IXIY same
     .F....../.... different


SI_FRX (L = $15), Flush receive buffer
IN:  -
OUT: Fc = 0

Registers changed after return:
     A.BCDEHL/IXIY same
     .F....../.... different


SI_TMO (L = $18), set default timeout
IN:  BC = new value for default timeout
OUT: Fc = 0

Registers changed after return:
     A.BCDEHL/IXIY same
     .F....../.... different

If you set the default to $FFFF then when the default is used (by setting a timeout value of $FFFF in get and put byte routines) then the system will wait forever. A soft reset sets the default timeout to 10 minutes. This timeout is completely independent of the system timeout, which is set by the Panel.


SI_GX (L = $1B), get multiple bytes from serial port, using default timeout (OZ 4.5)
      BC = number of byte to get from serial port, maximum 16384, one bank
      DE = destination
          DE = 0, write bytes to a file opened with its handle in IX 
          DE > 0, write bytes to memory at (DE)
      IX = file handle (if DE = 0)

Out if call succeeded:
      Fc = 0
      BC = remaining time (SI_TMO)
      DE = points at last byte fetched + 1 (if DE(IN) > 0)

Out if call failed:
 Fc = 1
      A = RC_TIME, timeout elapsed
      A = RC_EOF, end of file reached
      A = RC_WP, input device is read protected
      BC = number of bytes not read

Registers changed after return:
      ......../IXIY same
      AFBCDEHL/.... different


SI_PX (L = $1E), put multiple bytes to serial port, using default timeout (OZ 4.5)
      BC = number of byte to write to serial port, maximum 16384, one bank
      DE = input
          DE = 0, input is a file/device opened with its handle in IX 
          DE > 0, input is memory at (DE)
      IX = file handle (if DE = 0)

Out if call succeeded:
      Fc = 0
      BC = remaining time (SI_TMO)
Out if call failed:
      Fc = 1
      A = RC_TIME, timeout elapsed
      A = RC_EOF, end of file reached
      A = RC_RP, input device is read protected

      BC = number of bytes not written

Registers changed after return:
      ......../IXIY same
      AFBCDEHL/.... different


SI_GXT (L = $21), get multiple bytes until ESC <x> terminator, using default timeout (SI_TMO)
      BC = number of byte to get from serial port, maximum 16384, one bank
      DE = destination
          DE = 0, write bytes to a file opened with its handle in IX 
          DE > 0, write bytes to memory at (DE)
      IX = file handle (if DE = 0)

Out if call succeeded, Fc = 0:
       Fz = 1,
               BC <> 0, A = ESC terminator encountered, number of bytes not read
       Fz = 0,
               A = FFh
               BC = 0, all bytes read, no terminator encountered
       DE = points at last byte fetched + 1 (if DE(in) > 0)

Out if call failed:
 Fc = 1
      A = RC_TIME, timeout elapsed
      A = RC_EOF, end of file reached
      A = RC_WP, input device is read protected
      BC = number of bytes not read

Registers changed after return:
      ......../IXIY same
      AFBCDEHL/.... different


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