OS_Dor, The DOR interface

OS_Dor, The DOR interface

Register parameters

RST 20H, DEFB $87
     A = reason code
     HL, IX arguments

     Reason codes are as follows:

     DR_GET ($01)   get handle for a DOR name (internal use)
     DR_DUP ($02)   duplicate DOR
     DR_SIB ($03)   return brother DOR
     DR_SON ($04)   return child DOR
     DR_FRE ($05)   free DOR handle
     DR_CRE ($06)   create blank DOR
     DR_DEL ($07)   delete DOR
     DR_INS ($08)   insert DOR
     DR_RD  ($09)   read DOR record
     DR_WR  ($0A)   write DOR record
	 DR_OP  ($0B)   open explicit filename (OZ 5.0 and newer)
     DR_USE ($0C)   handle in use (OZ 5.0 and newer)

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
     returned values depend on A(in)

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     A = error code:
          RC_HAND ($08), bad handle
          RC_BAD ($04), bad argument
          RC_ROOM ($07), no room
          RC_EOF ($09), end of file

Registers changed after return:
     not documented. 


When the last DOR record in a list has been read, an RC_EOF is reported and the handle is immediatly released, ie. it will not be necessary to release the handle with a DR_FRE call.


Corrupts the stack pointer SP when called with an old handle, e.g. when a previous DR_ call resulted in a "End of list" error (RC_EOF).

Reason code specifications

DR_GET ($01), get a handle for a DOR name (internal usage)
 IN: -

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
     IX = DOR handle
     A = minor type (device, always)

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/..IY same
     AF....../IX.. different


  • Operating system only. Do not use this call.
  • Instead use OS_Dor / DR_OP or GN_Opf / OP_DOR to obtain a DOR handle.
DR_DUP ($02), duplicate DOR
     IX = DOR handle
OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
     BC = duplicate DOR handle (IX is still valid)

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     BC = 0 (IX is still valid)
     A = error code
          RC_HAND ($08), bad DOR handle

Registers changed after return:
     ....DEHL/IXIY same
     AFBC..../.... different
DR_SIB ($03), return brother DOR
     IX = DOR handle

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
     IX = next DOR handle (original IX invalid)
     A = minor type

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     A = error code
          RC_HAND ($08), bad DOR handle

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/..IY same
     AF....../IX.. different
DR_SON ($04), return child DOR
     IX = DOR handle

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
     IX = child DOR handle (original IX invalid)
     A = minor type

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     A = error code
          RC_HAND ($08), bad DOR handle

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/..IY same
     AF....../IX.. different
DR_FRE ($05), free DOR handle
     IX = DOR handle

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
     IX = 0

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     A = error code
          RC_HAND ($08), bad DOR handle

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/..IY same
     AF....../IX.. different
DR_CRE ($06), create blank DOR
     IX = parent DOR handle
     B = minor type

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
     IX = new DOR handle (original IX invalid)

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     A = error code
          RC_HAND ($08), bad DOR handle
          RC_BAD ($04), bad argument
          RC_ROOM ($07), no room

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/..IY same
     AF....../IX.. different
DR_DEL ($07), delete DOR
     IX = DOR handle

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0, DOR deleted
     IX = 0

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     A = error code
          RC_HAND ($08), bad DOR handle

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/..IY same
     AF....../IX.. different


This call deletes a DOR node and deallocates its memory used by filesystem (DN_Fil minor type only)

DR_INS ($08), insert DOR
     BC = parent DOR handle
     IX = DOR handle

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
     original BC and IX DOR handles are still valid

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     BC and IX is still valid
     A = error code
          RC_HAND ($08), bad DOR handle

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/IXIY same
     AF....../.... different
DR_RD ($09), read DOR record
     B = record type
     C = buffer length
     DE = user buffer address (to store information of read, always local, in S0 or S1)
     IX = DOR handle

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
     original IX DOR handle is still valid
     C = actual length of information

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     original IX is still valid
     A = error code
          RC_HAND ($08), bad DOR handle
          RC_BAD ($04), bad argument
          RC_FAIL ($16), information is not present

Registers changed after return:
     ..B.DEHL/IXIY same
     AF.C..../.... different
DR_WR ($0A), read DOR record
     B = record type
     C = buffer length
     DE = user buffer address (to store information to be written, always local, in S0 or S1)
     IX = DOR handle

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
     original IX DOR handle is still valid
     C = length of information written

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     original IX is still valid
     A = error code
          RC_HAND ($08), bad DOR handle
          RC_BAD ($04), bad argument
          RC_FAIL ($16), information is not present

Registers changed after return:
     ..B.DEHL/IXIY same
     AF.C..../.... different
DR_OP ($0B), open explicit filename (OZ 5.0 and newer)
     C = number of segment to parse (0 for all, default)
     DE = filename buffer (always local, in S0 or S1)

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
        IX = handle (device type, always)
        A  = DOR type (device, file, directory, EPROM)
        B  = segment count in explicit filename
        HL = last character parsed in filename (separator or null terminator)

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1
     	A  = RC_Fail, buffer not in S0 or S1
        A  = RC_Onf, filename does not exist

Registers changed after return:
     ...CDE.. / ..IY same
     AFB...HL / IX.. different


  • This call is the optimized equivalent of GN_Opf / OP_DOR. It is used by GN_Opf itself and allows a faster file open.
  • It is recommended to use this call before making file DOR operation like reading filename, timestamp...
  • It always create a device type handle ($01) which is required to perform DOR header operation. Type can be changed by calling OS_Fn / FN_CH (in order to perform file I/O).
  • API call implemented in OZ 5.0

DR_USE ($0C), handle in use (OZ 5.0 and newer)
     IX = DOR handle

OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0, handle or device is NOT already in use

OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1, original IX is still valid
     A = error code
          RC_USE, already in use

Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/IXIY same
     .F....../.... different

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