Copyright Notice

Copyright Notice

The original printed manual (fourth edition and earlier) was written, designed and laser-typeset by Human-Computer Interface Limited, Cambridge, UK

Copyright © Cambridge Computer Limited 1987, 1988

First published in 1987 by Cambridge Computer Limited, Cambridge, U.K. All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced by any means without the prior consent of the copyright holder. The only exceptions are as provided for by the Copyright (photocopying) Act or for the purpose of review or in order for the software herein to be entered into a computer for the sole use of the owner of this book.

Cambridge Computer Limited will not in any event be liable for any loss, including consequential loss, caused by any error, defect, or failure of the computer however arising, including but not limited to loss of loss of stored data, loss of profit, or loss of contracts.


This is the Confluence wiki documentation written by the Z88 Development Team, released for general availability using Open Content Licence.
Screen shots and Z88 fonts fetched from OZvm.

The Z88 system software was designed and developed by Protechnic Limited, Cambridge, UK.
PipeDream was designed and developed by Colton Software Limited, Cambridge, UK.
FlashStore was designed and developed by Thierry Peycru and Gunther Strube.
EazyLink was designed and developed by Gunther Strube.
X/Y modem functionality in Imp/Export popdown was developed by Dennis Gröning.

The original Z88 Operating System was designed and developed by Operating Systems Limited, Cambridge, UK. All further improvements made by Z88 Development Team
The companies involved in the development of the Z88 software have been incorporated as Trinity Concepts Limited, Cambridge, UK

BBC BASIC (Z80) is copyright R. T. Russell, supplied under licence by M-Tec Computer Services (UK). Comprehensive reference material can be found at http://www.bbcbasic.co.uk/.

Z88 Development Team authors (all Z88 User Guide wiki editions): Per Svensson, Gunther Strube, Vic Gerhardi & Thierry Peycru

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