Toll Tracker

Toll Tracker

About Fieldstar Marketing

Demo Version

This is v2.0 of the DEMO Version. Full documentation on this product is not available.


Fieldstar Marketing became Talking Technologies.

Toll Tracker for the Z88


This application needs 32K of either EPROM or Flash space.


Dean McGaveston developed Toll Tracker

Toll Tracker interfaced to PABX's to receive and process call details; resulting in an estimated cost for the call. The date, origin, destination, duration and cost of the call were saved for invoice production.

Designed primarily for the hospitality industry it was also sold into management offices to monitor outgoing calls made by staff, permitting management to identify non-business related activity.

A prototype Toll Tracker, as proof of concept, was developed in BASIC during the Christmas/New Year period of 1989. Having proven the concept the product was made more robust by programming Toll Tracker in Z80 machine language.

The product was very successful in the market place.
Z88 production ceased in 1993.

The standard INDEX, MENU and HELP facilities are not available.

Selecting Toll Tracker

Screen Shots

Setting Date and Time

Unfortunately, only giving two characters for the year means that 15 is for 1915 rather than 2015. This is why it thinks it is a Monday.


Connect PABX & Printer

Pressing a key gives:-

Set Up Sub Options


Charge Code Table

Extension Set Up


Password Unknown

Monday 24th May 15 is actually a Sunday. (See warning above).





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