DC_Elf, Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) Interface

DC_Elf, Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) Interface

Register parameters

RST 20H, DEFB $260C

RST 20H, DEFW $260C
     A = reason code
		EL_Op ($00), open ELF file
		EL_Hi ($02), get ELF header information
		EL_Pi ($04), get program header information for memory allocation
		EL_Ld ($06), load ELF segment to memory
		EL_Ex ($08), execute ELF
		EL_Cl ($0A), close ELF file
     IX = handle
     Other register parameters depend on reason code
     Depends on reason code, see below.


Internal operating system usage.
This call implements the ELF low level interface with OZ. Refer to GN_Elf for user level interfacing.


EL_Op (A=$00), open ELF file
 IN: 	A  = 0
	 	IX = file handle

OUT: Fc = 0, successful
		IX = ELF handle
		A  = ELF type
		BC = number of program header
		DE = number of section header
		HL = information header buffer address

	 Fc = 1, failure and A = error

Registers changed after return:
     ......../..IY same
     AFBCDEHL/IX.. different


EL_Hi (A=$02), get ELF header information
     	A = 2
     	IX = ELF handle

OUT: Fc = 0, successful
		A  = ELF type
		BC = number of program header
		DE = number of section header
		HL = information header buffer address

	 Fc = 1, failure and A = error

Registers changed after return:
     ......../IXIY same
     AFBCDEHL/.... different


EL_Pi (A=$04), get program header information for memory allocation
     A = 4
	 C = program header index (ELF segment)
     IX = ELF handle

OUT: Fc = 0, successful
		A = program type
		BC = program address requested
		DE = memory size requested
		HL = program header information buffer address

	 Fc = 1, failure and A = error

Registers changed after return:
     ......../IXIY same
     AFBCDEHL/.... different 


EL_Ld (A=$06), load ELF segment to memory
     A = 6
	 C = program header index (ELF segment)
     IX = ELF handle

OUT: Fc = 0, successful
		A = bank allocated
		BC = address allocated
		DE = memory size allocated
		HL = program header information buffer address

	 Fc = 1, failure and A = error

Registers changed after return:
     ......../IXIY same
     AFBCDEHL/.... different


EL_Ld (A=$08), execute ELF
     A = 8
     IX = ELF handle


Return from execution is performed by DC_Rte.


EL_Ld (A=$0A), close ELF file
     A = $0A
	 IX = ELF handle

OUT: Fc = 0, successful
	 Fc = 1, failure and A = error

Registers changed after return:
     A.BCDEHL/IXIY same
     .F....../.... different

Related calls

DC_Rte, Return from ELF
GN_Elf, Enter ELF program

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