OS_Alm, Alarm manipulation
OS_Alm, Alarm manipulation
Register parameters
RST 20H, DEFB $81
IN: A = AH_SUSP ($01), suspend alarm AH_REV ($02), revive alarms AH_RES ($03), reset alarm enable state AH_SINC ($04), display symbol AH_SDEC ($05), remove symbol (subject to use count) AH_SRES ($06), reset symbol AH_SET ($07), Set a new alarm: BDE = routine address to be called on expiry: B=0, DE call OS_Alm with (A = AH_CNC ???) IX=handle B<>0, DE call BDE HL = 6 byte date, time. AH_CNC ($08), Cancel an alarm: IX = alarm handle AH_DG1 ($09), Ding-dong type 1 AH_DG2 ($0A), Ding-dong type 2 AH_AINC ($0B), action count increment AH_ADEC ($0C), action count decrement AH_ARES ($0D), action count reset OUT, always; AH_SUSP, AH_REV, AH_RES, AH_SINC, AH_SDEC, AH_SRES, AH_DG1, AH_DG2, AH_AINC, AH_ADEC, AH_ARES: Fc = 0 Registers changed after return: A.BCDEHL/IXIY same .F....../.... different OUT, AH_SET, if call succeeded: Fc = 0 IX = alarm handle OUT, AH_SET, if call failed: Fc = 1 A = error code. OUT, AH_CNC, if call succeeded: Fc = 0 IX = 0 OUT, AH_CNC, if call failed: Fc = 1 A = error code. Registers changed after return, AH_SET, AH_CNC: A.BCDEHL/..IY same .F....../IX.. different
Internal operating system usage.
Related calls
GN_Aab, allocate alarm block
GN_Alp, process an expired alarm (internal OZ usage)
GN_Fab, free alarm block
GN_Lab, link an alarm block into the alarm chain
GN_Uab, unlink an alarm block from the alarm chain
, multiple selections available,