GN_Sdo, send date and time to standard output

GN_Sdo, send date and time to standard output

Register parameters

RST 20H, DEFW $0E09
     HL = pointer to 6 byte date and time. First 3 bytes are time in
     internal format, second 3 bytes are date in internal format.

Registers changed after return:
     ......../.... different


Date strings are fully country localized since OZ 4.5. It displays today, yesterday or tomorrow using the localized string.


Will fail if address pointer is in segment 2.

Related calls

GN_Gmt, get (read) machine time in internal format
GN_Gtm, convert an ASCII string to a time in internal format
GN_Msc, miscellaneous time operations
GN_Pmt, put (set) machine time
GN_Ptm, write internal time as ASCII string
OS_Dly, delay a given period

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