OZ V4.5 Beta 2 Release Notes

OZ V4.5 Beta 2 Release Notes

New release, V4.5 Beta 2

10th May 2014

This is the second public release of OZ V4.5 which contains a important bugfix in EazyLink popdown (file transfer of binary files to PC were corrupted).

First public release on 2nd May 2014 implemented completely re-written serial port driver and interrupt handler (IM 1), XY-Modem protocol integration in Imp/Export popdown and 38400 BPS file transfer speed in EazyLink popdown / desktop client. New block I/O serial port system calls for optimal speed on serial port communication. Display filename in Diary status window (useful for multiple running Diary applications).

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OZ V4.5 Beta 2 for Rakewell Flash Cards




Fixes yet to complete

  • Xon/Xoff software handshaking is not yet stable, see OZ-59 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

Work done in this release

Below you will see the list of work and features with all the technical details, that we have done. Click on the links to read issue contents:

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

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