OS_Mfr, Free (previously allocated block) memory
OS_Mfr, Free (previously allocated block) memory
Register parameters
RST 20H, DEFB $57
IN: IX = memory pool handle (returned from OS_Mop) BC = size of memory to release AHL = extended pointer address to beginning of memory block (A = bank) OUT, if call successful: Fc = 0 OUT, if call failed: Fc = 1 A = error code: RC_HAND ($08), bad handle RC_BAD ($04), invalid AHL/BC/IX combination RC_ERR ($0F), internal error (fatal) Registers changed after return: ..BCDEHL/IXIY same AF....../.... differentÂ
RC_BAD may occur if the IX is the handle for another pool, or if A does not match pool bank number, or HL is not allocated in that pool.
Z88 crashes with a blinking "FAIL" message if you try to free memory that was already released with a previous OS_Mfr.
Unrecoverable error returns a RC_ERR fatal error since OZ 4.6
Related calls
OS_Bix, Bind in extended address
OS_Box, restore bindings after OS_Bix
OS_Fc, select fast code (fast bank switching)
OS_Mal, allocate memory
OS_Mcl, close memory (free memory pool)
OS_Mgb, get current bank binding in segment
OS_Mop, open memory (allocate memory pool)
OS_Mpb, set new bank binding in segment
OZ_Mgb, get current bank binding in segment
OZ_Mpb, set new bank binding in segment