EazyLink2 V1.0 Beta 3 Release Notes

EazyLink2 V1.0 Beta 3 Release Notes

2nd May 2014

Finally, we have made another milestone, EazyLink2 V1.0 Beta 3. It has been a long process, especially because the serial port driver on the Z88 (OZ V4.5) has been re-written.This is our third public release after a couple of months of programming & testing. We have upgraded the runtime libraries to use Qt V5.2 and the new officially supported Qt serial port library, which has given 100% transmission stability across out supported platforms for Windows XP+, Mac OS X for Intel CPUs & Linux for Intel CPUs. To fully utilize all features, we recommend to also install the standalone EazyLink popdown V5.2 or OZ V4.5 on your Cambridge Z88, which this desktop client uses to communicate optimally with the Z88.

This release supports 38400 BPS, when used in partner with OZ V4.5 / EazyLink. This is the first time in the history of the Z88 that it has become possible to utilize this maximum capable speed of the Z88.

16th May 2014

We have finally created the Linux installer and executable for 32bit Linux, with great help from of http://magicermine.com/. EazyLink2 now uses Qt 5.2.1 which required new features of the Ermine package tool (bundle all runtime libraries into a single Linux-cross-distribution executable). Thank you, MagicErmine team!

18th May 2014

The 32bit Linux Installer has been updated with a better Ermine-based eazylink2 32bit and 64bit portable executable, which means we finally have a 64bit installer for Linux ready.

Ubuntu 12.04 (64bit), Ubuntu 13.10 (64bit) and Linux Mint 17 (64bit, an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS based desktop) have been tested with running the installer and running eazylink2 on 64bit Linux desktops. Again, MagicErmine team was there to assist in making it happen, thank you!

We have tested EazyLink2 on Debian 6 (2010, 32bit), PCLinuxOS (latest 32bit), Ubuntu 12.04 (32bit) and Ubuntu 14.04 (32bit).

27th Aug 2015

Download of Beta releases removed. Please download final 1.0 release, https://sourceforge.net/projects/z88/files/EazyLink%20Desktop%20Client/

PlatformVersionSizeAddedInstallation notesDownload Link

Download EXE installer to desktop, double-click to start installation. Supported to run on Windows XP SP2+, Vista, '7 and '8 (compatibility mode).



7.8MB2014/05/08Download Zip archive to desktop, double-click to extract application. Drag to Application folder or run from extracted directory. Supported to run on Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and newer. Use CTRL and double-click on 10.8 (Mountain Lion) to run (this is an unsigned application).
eazylink2-1.0-BETA3-linux-installer.run21.6MB2014/05/18For Intel 32bit. Download RUN installer to Gnome / KDE (or other X-Windows based) desktop, apply chmod +x, then execute from command line or desktop file browser. Supported to install and run on DEB package distributions like Debian & Ubuntu, RPM package distributions like Fedora, Mandriva, OpenSuse and PcLinuxOS, using kernel v2.6 or later.
eazylink2-1.0-BETA3-linux-x64-installer.run22.8MB2014/05/18For Intel 64bit. Download RUN installer to Gnome / KDE (or other X-Windows based) desktop, apply chmod +x, then execute from command line or desktop file browser. Supported to install and run on DEB package distributions like Debian & Ubuntu, RPM package distributions like Fedora, Mandriva, OpenSuse and PcLinuxOS.

Main features in this release (compared to Beta 2)

  • New serial port library (supported 100% by Qt project), which works for Linux, Mac & Windows.
  • Minor user interface improvements
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Work done in this release

Below you will see the list of work and features with all the technical details, that we have done. Click on the links to read issue contents:

key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution


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