EP_Next ($18) - Return next file entry in File Area

Register parameters

     A = EP_NEXT
   BHL = pointer to current File Entry

   BHL = pointer to next file entry on File Eprom in slot, or first byte of empty space

   Fc = 0, File Eprom available
        Fz = 1, File Entry marked as deleted
        Fz = 0, File Entry is active.
   Fc = 1,
        A = RC_Onf
        File Eprom was not found in slot, or File Entry not available

Registers changed after return:
   ...CDE../IXIY same
   AFB...HL/.... different


To get the next file entry, the current file entry pointer must be supplied as argument to this API. The B register defines the absolute bank number which contains the slot mask ($40 for slot 1, $80 for slot 2 and $C0 for slot 3).

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