EP_Find ($0C) - Find active File(name) in File Area in slot C
Register parameters
IN: A = EP_FIND C = slot number of File Eprom (Area) DE = pointer to null-terminated filename to be searched for. The filename is excl. device name and must begin with '/'. OUT: Fc = 0, File Eprom available Fz = 1, File Entry found. BHL = pointer to File Entry in card at slot Fz = 0, No file were found on the File Eprom. BHL = pointer to free byte on File Eprom in slot Fc = 1, A = RC_Onf File Eprom was not found at slot C Registers changed after return: A..CDE../IXIY same .FB...HL/.... different
Find non-deleted (active) file on File Card, using an explicit filename (wildcards are not implemented).