COPYRIGHT (C) WORDMONGERS 1989 The following files are saved on this EPROM and
need to be downloaded to your system memory before you start. a>
BOXCHAR. exe --> Execute this to fetch other files from EPROM b> BOXCHAR. prg
--> Program file c> BOXCHAR. def --> Definition file d> BOXCHAR. dbf -->
Database file e> READ. me --> This document This set of programs
will be of assistance to all programmers who are using zBASE and wish to use
the graphics characters to make screens look neater. To use this help
system execute the BOXCHAR. exe to load the above programs into RAM, then
start up zBASE as normal. At the curly prompt type 'DO BOXCHAR. prg'. This
command will tell zBASE to start the BOX CHARacter help system. When
it has loaded a menu will appear. It will ask you whether you want help on Box
Characters, Icons, or Special effects. When you enter the option you want the
screen will display the pictures of the Box Characters, Icons, or Special
effects according to which option you selected. To get help about a specific
character, simply type in the coresponding number then press -ENTER-. e. g.
if you wish to find out how to create the top left corner of a box,
simply type '1' and press -ENTER-. The program will search it's database
and pull up the required piece of zBASE code, which it will print, in the
bottom right hand corner of the screen, in the box marked 'WHAT YOU NEED TO
TYPE. . '. It will also print a short description of the graphic
character in the box marked 'DESCRIPTION OF ABOVE VARIABLE' It will then move
back to the top left corner and clear the GET and wait for the next required
help number or for the command to return to the first menu. If you wish to
generate variables to draw horizontal lines of more than one character you
can either have innumerable quantities of 'HLIN1$' in your program or create
other multiple character lines. e. g. LET HLIN1$=CHR(1)+"2*E" --> this
creates a 1chr variable LET HLIN2$=HLIN1$+HLIN1$ --> 1+1=2chr
variable LET HLIN5$=HLIN2$+HLIN2$+HLIN1$ --> 2+2+1=5chr variable
Alternatively, you may want to just load a file containing the set of
variables into a slot in your program. There is such a file contained on
this EPROM. It is called BOXCHAR. When it is loaded into a slot in a
program it will create the required variables for you.
Author. J. Shrimpton
, multiple selections available,
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