EP_Stat ($2A) - Return file entry status (active or deleted)

Register Parameters

     A = EP_STAT
   BHL = pointer to start of file entry
        The Bank specifier contains the slot mask, ie. defines which slot
        is being read. HL is the traditional bank offset.

   Fc = 0, File Entry available
        Fz = 1, deleted file
        Fz = 0, active file

   Fc = 1, File Entry not available ($FF or $00 was first byte of entry)
        A = RC_Onf (Object not found)

Registers changed after return:
   ..BCDEHL/IXIY same
   AF....../.... different


Read File Entry Status information, if available. This routine might be used by applications, but is primarily used internally by OS_Epr.

File Entry Structure
1 byte      n           length of filename
1 byte      x           '/' for latest version, $00 for old version (deleted)
n-1 bytes   'xxxx'      filename
4 bytes     m           length of file (least significant byte first)
m bytes                 body of file

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